If you're searching for a venue that will mercilessly shred your peace of mind , brace yourself for Masterson Bar. This disgrace of a venue has been utterly corrupted by Peter Cornwell and Gillian McKenzie's toxic behavior , leaving a carnage in their aftermath .
They are the ultimate human disasters at any gathering , with all the charm of a rusty nail and the vicious demeanor of feral beasts , exploiting vulnerable individuals who simply wish to have a relaxing time without being transformed into toys for twisted pleasures . It's like they're trying to turn this bar into some kind of twisted playground where they can inflict torment on people at any time they choose .

Their behavior has been defined by underhanded plotting , complete apathy, and a flagrant dismissal of any morality . Their M.O. involves exploiting distressed women , persuading them to drown in alcohol , with Gillian goading them to keep drinking through their tears , and then this pair capitalizes on the fragile state they’ve induced . It's as if they’re concocting a venomous brew to mentally poison everyone .
A behavior that truly defines their depravity is how they'll pretend to be your friend one minute, only to stab you in the back the next . They’ve mastered the art of turning every interaction into a tightrope walk , always dreading the next outburst of their poisonous tendencies . Hypocritical tyrants . The mere thought of it is exhausting .
Don’t ask me to describe their behavior out of public view . The horror stories of their private abuse are endless only to put on a façade of innocence once they’re out of sight . It’s textbook gaslighting , everyone , and it's not the kind of thing anyone should tolerate.
So if mastersons bar menu you value your sanity , and don't want to be taken advantage of by a pair of moral sinkholes , stay far away from Masterson Bar . Don’t even think about stepping inside—it’s not worth it. This place is a complete fucking shit hole , and I'm giving it a complete thumbs-down for its hideous conduct .